Thursday, April 27, 2017

1/28 Scale Revell World War I group build

For those considering a 1/28 SPAD for next year's club build, here's a link you may find interesting:

165: April 2017 Meeting Minutes

Okay, we had 40 models on display!

16 members came in and just about everyone brought in some sort of yellow winged aircraft, or their current project.

We put the VF-1B F11C-2 and SU-3 models on their stands "in formation".  Yes, still two missing, but the builders could not make the meeting.  It's real impressive in person.

Lots of models went into the Museum display cabinet.  John B. agreed to finish another of the cabinets at the museum and that'll be ours for another display (Tophatters or ??)

Saturday, April 22, 2017

2018 Theme Voting has started

Members should receive the 2018 Theme ballot, I also attempted to post it on the Facebook's on a "comment" over on the right.

2018 Theme Ballot

Polls will close on 12 May so I can collate and publish for the May meeting.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

164: March 2017 Meeting Minutes

Another big crowd!  
21 members and 30 models.

Not much on the agenda, ODO was a great success.  Some guys took some metal home for some obviously very nice models.  The Monogram Big Bomber Build display was popular.  We got lots of visits and a couple of lesson's learned for the next display opportunity at NoVa's Model Classic:

  • Put a page with large print (14 font?) for each model near it to explain key differences from other similar models -- prop blurs (very popular), Navy B-26 (everyone who came up asked about its history).
  • One person from the club should be there at all times to answer additional questions.  Maybe rotate every hour for those who attend, at least for the morning hours.  

Steve was able to complete the A-3/A-5 Models for Ms Paula Pippin.  Her husband flew all 3 types in his career and she wants to pass them on to her grandson whose father played with them as a child.  They finished up great, but for some reason I don't have photos...