Friday, May 7, 2021

Let's Talk Models! #44

May 6th.

Modelers: 16

Models: 22

Link to LTM #44 Video

We chatted about adding a 1/24 (or 1/25) scale group build.  This is in the Theme nominations for 2022 but we can always do whatever we want so whether this makes the list for 2022 is up to the members.

Link to the product discussed -- Incredible White Mask Liquid Frisket which Collin swears is a great masking fluid.

Monday, May 3, 2021

LTM #43: Let's Talk Models!

April 29th.

Modelers: 15

Models: 32

Okay, that's a high for us.  32 models to chat about.

A couple of announcements:

  1. The May meeting will be at High Tide Games on May 27th from 7pm until 9pm.  Rebecca has confirmed we can meet then.  Most of our members will have completed their vaccinations by then and the crew at HTG will have theirs as well.
  2. Firehouse Hobbies will be having a Driveway Sale on May 15th from 9am to 1pm at 11802 North Marlton Avenue, Upper Marlboro, MD.  
We also agreed at the previous meeting to record our zoom sessions and post them.  So with that I created a YouTube Channel for Southern Maryland Scale Modelers.  Link to LTM #43 video. Jonathan gets to be the cover photo...

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Pandemic Group Builds

May 1st

So over the last year we came up with four group builds (or themes) that some of us decided to do in addition to the list here on the site:

  • 1/48 Scale Mustangs of the 357th -- Bene has a stack of decals and we build a P-51B/C/D with the yellow and red checkers on the noses.
  • 1/48 Scale Bf-109 without German markings -- Any kit, any variant, but no Luftwaffe markings.
  • 1/48 Scale Spitfires that are not British -- Any kit, any variant, but no RAF or FAA markings.  
  • 1/700 Battleships -- Deviating from the trend above, we decided to go small.  Any kit, any battleship or battlecruiser from any period.  Waterline or full hull is choice of the modeler.
Hopefully we can get everyone together at once to show these off well before a show.  I'd like some photos to post here.