Thursday, March 24, 2016

152: March Show and Tell

Lots of great models, we had 27 members in attendance showing and talking about 34 models!

As agreed by the members, not commentary on the individual models here, but we will continue to upload the photos:

Friday, March 18, 2016

Modeling at the Museum

Last Saturday went so well that a few of you want to repeat it. Sounds like another winner, so to formally announce least 2 people have confirmed they'll be at the Pax River Naval Air Museum Saturday afternoon 19th March.  Doors close at 5pm, so plan to start about 1pm.  You'll be surprised how quickly 4 hours of modeling chat goes by and just maybe you'll get some plastic glued together.

Last week we had 4 show up: myself, Chuck, Darrin, and Steve.  We learned that space is available, just set yourself up a table, grab a chair and ensure you bring a light and extension cord to reach the outlets on the back wall.  Expect the museum visitors to walk by and ask questions and you may even get hijacked into providing a quick tour.

Chuck and I both made progress on our Big Bomber Build models, Darrin got his F-4 Phantom to stick together well enough (still concerned it may "pop" like those oven fresh rolls) and Steve got his second of two Airfix Zeros going for the BTSK build later this year.

I should be there with my modeling kit and a couple of kits.  See you there!

152: March Meeting Minutes

We had another great meeting. It just gets better every month. Of course, if Collin would show up regularly we would spend less time catching him up and more time talking about models.

I counted 34 models and 27 members in attendance last night! From John Bray's metal winning figures to Dan Yakel's tanks and the smattering of jets and props. We even had Doc's research vessel nee ice breaker (but no E-boot).

Formal minutes...
  • Time to start thinking about 2017 themes. Already! Send me your thoughts and ideas, if we have more than 9 I'll put it to a vote, as usual.
  • Meeting location...we decided to let this sleeping dog lie until it is a real issue.
  • Newsletter. Technically we are no longer doing a formal newsletter, however I'll still post to the blog any news, announcements, photos of models, etc. Anyone should be able to post comments (see below) but not to individual photos. Again, because not everyone is on some social media site.
  • Model shop orders as a group will end with June's order. Dave has been graciously aggregating our orders each month to take advantage of shipping rates but now it's time for him to pass that task on. Given the Summer arrival of Dave 2.0 he will be very very busy with other sleep. So if anyone is willing to step into this role, speak up.
  • 23rd April is a kit sale at the Veteran's Museum. I'll post a separate note on this with links and directions.

Until next time...keep the glue on the plastic and build what YOU like.