Monday, June 28, 2021

2022 Theme Voting has begun!

I've created the survey for choosing the themes for 2022. 

Follow this link: for the Theme Survey for 2022. 

As a reminder, this is for 2022, not for 2021. The 2021 Themes are unchanged. 

I'll close the voting just before the July meeting (scheduled for 7/15) so I can get the results out for that meeting.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

202: June 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes & Show and Tell

 17 June 2021

That was fun!  Lots of folks and the pizza was great.  

21 Modelers met at our new meeting location at High Tide Games.  We had 20 models on the tables and 7 carrier landing models.

Three new members signed up!

As a group we brought another of our COVID Theme Builds -- Not-a-German Bf-109 1/48.  The monthly theme was Anniversary.  This month marks the 22nd Anniversary of the Southern Maryland Scale Modelers!  We had 4 people confirm they made that first meeting at Charlotte Hall.  Sometimes the only person at some of those early meetings was our then-President and founder: Chuck Conner.

Carrier Landings was a lot of fun.  Even our host, Rebecca gave it a try and accomplished a great "landing".  Link to the video of the carrier landings.

Pictures of the models that attempted/made landings:

And the trophy went to yours truly fr losing the most parts off his Buccaneer.

Time for some show and tell pictures:

Friday, June 11, 2021

Let's Talk Models! #48

June 10th

Modelers on the zoom call: 21

Models discussed: 15

Link to LTM #48 Video

Tools & tips:

We discussed an alternative to Milliput 2-part moldable epoxy -- JB Weld Waterweld from any hardware store.  I tried it on my Buccaneer to replace my canopy with something solid and it does work just as well.  A bit harder, but it works well.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

201: May 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes & Show and Tell

27 May 2021

Okay, technically our first real meeting since the pandemic began and hoo boy did we had a lot of COVID builds to bring!

22 Modelers met at our new meeting location at High Tide Games (thanks Rebecca!) and there were

  67 models on the tables!

As a group we brought our first COVID Theme Build -- 357th FG Mustangs in 1/48.  The monthly theme was Desert Storm 30th Anniversary.  Whitey's S-3B with folded wings got the most votes -- so he got the bragging rights and some new #11 blades and sanding sticks for his efforts.

Time for some pictures: