Theme builds
1:48 Tamiya
OOB, Aeromaster Decals - 356 FG/8 AF 1945
P-51D by Joe Hegedus
1:48 Tamiya
Fuel tanks from Tamiya P-51B kit. Aeromaster decals - 352 FG/8 AF 1945
P-51D by Mike Morris
1:48 Tamiya
Photoetched seat belts
Non-theme builds
P-47D by Joe Hegedus
1:32 Hasegawa
External tank from Tamiya P-51, seatbelts from Trumpeter Bearcat. Kit decals for 62 FS/56 FG 1944.
M3 Stuart by Justin Reed
1:35 Tamiya
Archer dry transfer markings and kit decals. Music wire radio antenna. Weathering with AK Interactive and Mig pigments.
1:48 AMT
Used AMT P-40N with resin nose conversion. True Details cockpit, Eduard PE instrument panel, fish tail exhausts from the spares box. Squadron vac canopy, resin main wheels, and Aeromaster decals. Weathered with silver Prismacolor pencil and pastels.
Fw-190A-5 by Bill Suggs
1:48 DML/Dragon
Engine/cooling fan/propeller from Tamiya kit. Decals from spares box for a captured aircraft flown by the 85th FS, 79th FG.
P-40E by Mike Colvin
1:32 Revell
Kits World decals, Eduard seat belts, Ultracast Pilot.
F/A-18A++ by Ryan Turgeon
1:48 Hasegawa
MAW resin nose, Quickboost IMER, resin SJU-17 seat, Rhino Models intakes, Hobby Decal AOA probes.
C-2A Greyhound by Andrew White
1:48 Kinetic
Eduard Interior and Exterior PE sets, Caracal decals for VRC-40, Royale Resin wheels, Wolfpack wingfold areas, scratchbuilt aft cargo and ramp area.
Fw-190 D9 by Scott Samo
1:32 Hasegawa
Hi-grade kit, includes metal and PE parts. Rescribed most of the kit, painted with Gunze and Tamiya paint.
P-40 by Tim Holland
1:48 AMT
OOB. Aftermarket decals for a "What if" Tony the Tiger racing plane.
In Progress Builds
P-51D by Darrin Cook
1:48 Tamiya
True Details seat, Eduard Zoom color cockpit PE.
Bf 109E-4/7 Trop by Darrin Cook
1:48 Tamiya
Eduard color cockpit PE
BT-42 Assault Gun by Chuck Connor
1:35 Tamiya
OOB. Unit served with the Finnish army. Mounts a British gun on a BT-7 chassis.
Ki-61 by Nate Swift
1:48 Hasegawa
Aires cockpit, will be finished as an aircraft from 244th Regiment
P-51C and P-51D by Jim Rotramel
1:48 IMC and Tamiya
Saturn V by Tim Holland
1:72 Dragon
Lots of aftermarket!
Bugatti EB110 by David Fuller
1:24 Monogram
Horrible kit.
Embarrassed Modelers