Monday, August 15, 2016

156: July Show and Tell

156: July minutes

We had 19 members bring 21 kits to the July meeting.

Raffles: I tried to shake down a few folks regarding kits for the monthly raffles; I've got enough to last the rest of this year (through November and possibly to February) but start looking to cull your stashes! I can find a couple in mine.

Battle of the Atlantic display: The museum is trying to find the right space for the display and needs a good description, size, et cetera for the display. I've started looking in my archives for the original proposal (back in 2011!) and a computer crash hasn't been helpful.

Related to the display(s), we need to start drafting the descriptions for each model we are building.  Whether the Top Hatters, or Battle of the Atlantic, we need to help the Museum tie the display to the mission at Pax River, why the historical events we are providing are important to both history and NAS Pax River.

As an example, the Battle of the Atlantic was primarily an ASW mission, conducted in an intra-service (Naval) as well as a joint Army Air Force - Navy as well as Allied Forces (US-UK-and others) battle from 1939 to 1945.  Ultimately the air ASW development and lessons learned has been folded into the P-2 (P2V), P-3, P-4 (PB4Y-2) and P-8 squadrons flown out of NAS Pax River following the war through the Cold War and into today.  Whether long range patrols, or the aviation units involved in convoys and hunter-killer efforts, all used Naval Aviation assets and technologies tested/integrated here at NATC and NAS Pax River.
